Real Food 4 Kids

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10 breakfast ideas that take 10 minutes or less to prepare.

Many people skip breakfast because they’re short on time or don’t know what to eat. But breakfast will keep you and your kids going throughout the day, so do yourselves a favor and make it a priority!

Breakfast literally means to break the fast. Food is fuel for your body. The more you focus you give it, the better you’ll feel. Here are 10 breakfast ideas for you and your kids that take 10 minutes or less to prepare.

  1. Fruit & Yogurt
    The natural sugars in fruit make it enticing and fruit is chock full of nutrients. Yogurt will add some protein to keep you full longer. Opt for plain yogurt and use fruit as your sweetener. If it’s not enough, add a drizzle of honey or maple syrup and you’ll likely still be better off than buying vanilla yogurt at the store.

  2. Nut butter on toast.
    Peanut butter on toast is a classic choice that will keep you full for a while. If you can’t do peanut butter because of allergies, there are a plethora of choices available: sunflower seed butter, cashew butter, almond butter…the list continues. Smear it on the toast of choice, whether it’s a bagel, bread, or other.

  3. Avocado on a rice cake.
    Of course you can make avocado toast, but if you want to keep it really simple, slice an avocado in half and smear it on a rice cake. You’ll get the satisfying crunch without using the toaster, and rice cakes are a nice alternative to wheat based grains.

  4. Oatmeal.
    It’s a classic. Really cheap. And quick too. You can make an overnight version, or just combine oats + water in a bowl and zap it in your microwave. Eat it plain or doctor it up with fruit, nuts, and some (i.e. just a little) brown sugar to taste!

  5. Eggs.
    It may seem like a bit much to take on, but when it comes down to it, eggs cook in a couple of minutes and it’s a satisfying hot breakfast that’s full of protein. How do you like them? Scrambled or over-easy?

  6. Smoothie.
    Set out the blender the night before so there’s one less thing in the morning. Throw in some frozen fruit, PLAIN yogurt, and a bit of water and you’ll have breakfast in a flash. Add a variety of fruits, a handful of greens, some oats and nuts, and you’ll be satiated until lunch.

  7. Pancakes.
    They’re not just for a lazy weekend breakfast. Either mix up the dry ingredients the night before, or purchase a quality mix like Kodiak Cakes or Bob’s Red Mill, and pancakes can be ready in less than 10 minutes. A half-cup worth of dry mix will yield about 3 pancakes that can all fit in one pan; don’t make too many or it will be daunting to get them done in a hurry.

  8. Cereal.
    It’s not exciting but given the grocery store space dedicated to cereal, it’s somewhere in your pantry. Mix it up by mixing a couple of different cereals, or try sprinkling it on top of yogurt for a satisfying crunch. Whatever you choose, be sure to check the added sugar level. Some cereals are nutritionally closer to candy than they are to a healthy breakfast. There’s a reason Froot Loops are relegated to a “vacation cereal”. The main ingredient is sugar!

  9. Quesadilla.
    Whether it’s a cheese quesadilla or one stuffed with eggs, you’ll be getting a good balance of carbs, protein, and fat to keep you fueled for hours.

  10. Leftovers.
    What did you have for dinner last night? No one ever said you have to eat “breakfast food” for breakfast!

    We’d love to hear from you! What else should be on this list?