Real Food 4 Kids

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5 Ways to Be A Healthier Kid

There’s a great deal of uncertainty going on right now. But there are 5 things you and your child(ren) can do at home to be the healthiest version of YOU! We’ve outlined them in Our C.R.E.E.D. below:

  1. C is for COOK FROM SCRATCH: We’re pretty passionate about this one. Whether you’re making cupcakes or muffins, or stir fry or a smoothie from scratch, it’s very likely going to be far healthier than the store-bought variety. You control the ingredients and avoid all of the things you can’t pronounce. You learn a lot along the way and become more open to trying new foods. It’s a WIN!

  2. R is for REST: Adequate, uninterrupted sleep is so important for growing bodies! We all need time to restore and rejuvenate.

  3. E is for EAT BREAKFAST: Did you know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? It provides critical fuel to start the day, plus boosts your memory and concentration and improves your overall health.

  4. E is for EAT THE RAINBOW: Make sure your rainbow is full of fruits and vegetables and not artificial colors. Eating the rainbow ensures variety in your diet and gives you a better chance of getting all of the different nutrients that your body needs: different colors are rich in different vitamins and minerals.

  5. D is for DRINK LOTS OF WATER: Approximately 60% of your body weight is made up of water, so it’s incredibly important to stay hydrated. Sports drinks are unnecessary unless you’re training continuously for more than an hour.