5 fun ways to create science in the kitchen!

5 fun ways to create science in the kitchen!

With edible results of course!

This past Sunday, I taught a cooking class where we made homemade ricotta to use in our lasagna.  It was simple, it took less than an hour, and the kids thought that it was really cool! As I think back a few years, I've had similar "ah-ha science" moments when cooking with my kids. Here are five favorites that don't require a lot of time, ingredients, or money to recreate in your kitchen!

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    The single most important thing to read when you buy packaged food...

    The single most important thing to read when you buy packaged food...

    ...is the ingredient statement.

    Packaged food is a trillion (with a T) dollar industry. The manufacturer of that pretty little package wants you to purchase it. So it's going to look good. The manufacturer is going to highlight all of it's attributes. They will tell you it's benefits and maybe even the stuff it left out. They might even vie for your kids attention by showcasing their favorite characters, songs, or TV shows. But how do you know what that product is really made of?  

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    Baking can be a really fun(ny) science experiment!

    Yesterday, an insurance company flyer came in the mail.  It included a page of recipes that could be made in a mug for single servings.  I tore out the page and left it on the kitchen table.  

    Last night after swim practice, a few of the kids were ravenous for dessert.  One said, "I want to make chocolate cake-in-a-mug from the recipes mom left on the table."  

    While I spent the next 30 minutes putzing around the kitchen, 3 kids (#4 was sick) had loads of fun making 4 (one for dad) chocolate cake-in-a-mugs.  The experience was complete with:

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