"You can eat whatever you want...

"You can eat whatever you want...

The journalist and foodie Michael Pollan has been quoted saying "You can eat anything you want, as long as you cook it yourself". We love the intent of this, but like to take it one step further and say "You can eat anything you want, as long as you make it from scratch." In case you need convincing, here’s our top 5 reasons why you(r kids) should take the time to make those tasty treats from scratch!

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What are you doing about back-to-school lunch?

What are you doing about back-to-school lunch?

We want to share some ideas on how to get your kids involved in making lunch! No matter whether your kids are learning at home or in the school building, they all have to eat lunch. While studies show that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, we believe that a healthy lunch is really important too. Lunch should leave your kids feeling energized for the rest of the school day, not lethargic and in need of a nap.

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Our top 5 strategies to help your picky eater eat.

Our top 5 strategies to help your picky eater eat.

If your kid doesn't like to eat a particular food, keep trying. Perseverance is your best bet.

I have a lot of experience with getting my 4 kids to try new foods. In fact, one of my kids was tube-fed for several years and had to be re-taught to eat from scratch, a process that took several years, what felt like a zillion tries, and a whole lot of help.

So, based on a lot of experience, are my top 5 ways to get your picky eater to eat a broader range of foods.

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It's a great time to plan for your garden!

It's a great time to plan for your garden!

Real life offers all sorts of teachable moments, no classroom required! As little bits of greenery started to peek through the brown Iowa landscape, one of my kids asked if it was time to plan for our vegetable garden. It was a a great suggestion and offers the opportunity for some creative learning too!

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7 Healthy Snacks for On-the-Go Athletes (and Active Kids)

7 Healthy Snacks for On-the-Go Athletes (and Active Kids)

Think of real food = good fuel for your body. You’re kids have been practicing hard all season, so complement all of that hard work with good nutrition when they head off to practice or compete. With a little advance planning, your kids can skip the processed, greasy, and fatty stuff typically sold at the concession stand and be on the top of their game!

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