What are you doing about back-to-school lunch?

What are you doing about back-to-school lunch?

We want to share some ideas on how to get your kids involved in making lunch! No matter whether your kids are learning at home or in the school building, they all have to eat lunch. While studies show that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, we believe that a healthy lunch is really important too. Lunch should leave your kids feeling energized for the rest of the school day, not lethargic and in need of a nap.

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Our top 5 strategies to help your picky eater eat.

Our top 5 strategies to help your picky eater eat.

If your kid doesn't like to eat a particular food, keep trying. Perseverance is your best bet.

I have a lot of experience with getting my 4 kids to try new foods. In fact, one of my kids was tube-fed for several years and had to be re-taught to eat from scratch, a process that took several years, what felt like a zillion tries, and a whole lot of help.

So, based on a lot of experience, are my top 5 ways to get your picky eater to eat a broader range of foods.

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Make something green! Try our kid-approved smoothie recipe!

Make something green! Try our kid-approved smoothie recipe!

As we draw nearer to St. Patrick’s Day, I challenge you to make something green to eat or drink, without reaching for the food coloring!

The only green foods that I can think of are plant based, so consider the upside; whatever you make green will be better for you! Give our smoothie a try; Annie just made a double-batch and it’s nearly gone.

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